Floating to Overcome Claustrophobia

If you suffer from claustrophobia, then you know that it can be a truly debilitating fear. Being in small spaces can make you feel like you're trapped, and may lead to symptoms such as panic attacks, shortness of breath, and a racing heart. Because of this, claustrophobia may keep you from traveling, flying on planes, and even riding in elevators, often getting in the way of you living your best life. Fortunately, there is hope.

Floating may be just what you need to help overcome your fear of claustrophobia. Let's take a closer look at floating for claustrophobia, and provide some tips on how to make it work for you.

What is Floating?

Float therapy, or simply floating, is a practice that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It involves lying in a sensory deprivation tank filled with salt water and Epsom salts. This creates a weightless environment that allows you to float effortlessly on the surface. The tanks are large enough for you to stretch out and relax, and many find the experience to be incredibly peaceful.

How Floating Can Help Overcome Claustrophobia

When you float in a sensory deprivation tank, you are completely enclosed in a small, dark space. The idea alone may be enough to make those with claustrophobia worry, but don't panic just yet! Once you decide to give it a chance, the truth is that floating can actually be an incredibly effective way to overcome your fear.

Here's how it works: when you're in the tank, you have no outside stimuli to distract you from your thoughts and feelings. This can therefore be a great opportunity for you to face your fears head-on. By taking the time to really think about the things that scare you, you may begin to understand why they make you feel afraid. You may also find that the fear begins to dissipate the more you think about it, as you come to realize that you're completely safe and in control of your environment.

Tips for Claustrophobic Floaters

If you're still nervous about floating, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your experience:

  • Talk to the staff. If you have any questions or concerns about floating, be sure to talk to the staff at the facility. They can answer any questions you have and provide support throughout your experience.

  • Remember that you can't be locked in accidentally, and the tank door can easily be opened from the inside if it becomes too much.

  • Try visualization - the bath can be a great place for this. Imagine being inside the tank, and closing the hood, and remind yourself that you're ultimately in control. You can get out whenever you want, and there's nothing holding you back. 

  • End on a positive note. When you're finished floating, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you were able to face your fears and that you're now feeling more relaxed and at ease. 

It takes a lot of courage to face a fear like claustrophobia, so even if you don't last a full session, you should be proud of yourself. So, if you're up for the challenge, give it a try and see how floating can help you overcome your fear!

Ready to give floating a go? Book a float at cedar + sage today!